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12000 Miles …

Thats the amount of miles I have pu on my car in 5 months at 2400 miles / month. Hyundai even sent me a service reminder expecting me to have driven 15000 miles in the same period. To put this is prespective, consider that the average car drives the same 15000 miles in a year. And for the rest of the world I have put 19312 Kilometers (kms) on my car.

Continuing on my previous posts about driving, I have noticed that each country and state has some peculiarity of its own.

    Did you know …

  • Its illegal to take a ‘U’ turn in Ohio? I didn’t and almost gave a shock to a Chevoret car salesman during on of my test drives
  • There are no stop lines at intersections in Minneapolis
  • Its the law in India to honk when you pass somebody
  • Its the law in India to honk when you are taking a blind turn
  • Its the law in India to honk …
  • There are no speed limits in the highways of India. But you travel faster in the US
  • I can think of lots more but thats for another time.

It’s been a long day and I had something else to post too, but I guess that can wait till tomorrow 😉

“Two roads diverged in a wood, and I–
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference”



I finally went and watched the great American pastime. My verdict … American Football is probably the only game I would watch in a stadium. Don’t get me wrong I did enjoy myself. I was like a ADD kid the whole evening so much so that I could get on the nerves of the ADD kids I went with. It was St. Louis Cardinals Vs. the Milwaukee Brewers game and it was freaking cold with a lot of rain showers!!! With amount of baseball games being played each season I wonder how so many people show up to these games. This was also a opportunity for me to check out the metro link. The ride back with the crowd was awesome, reminded me of the electric trains in Madras(Chennai). The only difference was that we couldn’t hang out of the doors!!

Final verdict … there is nothing to beat Cricket … or soccer … yet!

I finally got to show off my singing powers (its a laugh). On Sunday I got to sing(sic) Jana Gana Mana at a dinner in my church. I was also surprised that I was able to remember it so well to. I did sing another Tamil Christian song (there were errors in it), but hey it doesn’t hurt if you don’t know. For those of you who wanted to know the meaning of the Indian National Anthem please follow the previous link.

“Education is an admirable thing, but it is well to remember from time to time that nothing that is worth knowing can be taught.”
* Oscar Wilde
