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Stranger in London

Well the bombs are bursting all over the world. Doesn’t it make us wish we didn’t have the industrial revolutions … so we wouldn’t have these guns and bombs … and people would just kill people with knives and swords??? Just like America had the 9/11 England had its 7/7 and was initiated into the sad and tragic environment that the rest of the world lives in. And to add insult to injury they couldn’t even blame it on the enemy from without … ’cause the enemy was within.

The perpetrators have not only caused havoc by their bombs but has also made the guardians of the peace as their tools. The first victim was a Brazilian electrician whose only crime was to be dark skinned and staying in the wrong apartment. But this is not just a racial thing. Half way across the world the same thing was being repeated in Kashmir, where the Indian army shot dead three teenagers as they waited in ambush for some terrorists. Is this miss placed enthusiasm or police excess? That is a tough question to answer. This can be easily explained away as the cost of taking on the terrorists when the cops have to be merciless. But then that is the difference between the terrorists and others.

The human tragedy involved in this is immeasurable. I guess its one of those indeterminate kind of questions, but worth pondering about.

P.S: Flattered to read teh comments on the previous post !!


Fat and Fatter

One of my monikers when I was growing up in chennai was “Nai kodul” (Tamil for Dog Stomach). Ok before you all start snickering … this “Title” was bestowed upon me for the seemingly amazing ability of my body to remain thin inspite of my gluttonous appetite. But I think age is finally catching up with me. I seem to have put on more mass than I wanted in the last couple of months. I am finally … nah officially overweight. I didn’t think I would see this day so soon. But then as the saying goes “…When in Rome do as the Romans …”, I live in America where 60 percent of the population is overweight!

I can’t be complacent about it though. Need to stop before I hit 200 Pounds. So if any of you got any bright ideas on how to turn this fat into muscle let me know. I need a 6 pack abs in a month and half before I go to India!!! But being “fat” per se is not a bad thing. As long as I can play raquetball the way I play and am agile enough. The only think I can’t bear is the picture above. So if not for anything thing else, I need to to convert that fat to muscle just so that I could look better without my shirt on!

“Tell me what you eat, and I will tell you what you are”
