Category Archives: Religion

What about Easter?

The legal case of Terri Schiavo is over but the political and moral debate is just starting. Almost all pro-life proponent has taken this case as a personal cause. But the majority of the people have felt that the rhetoric has gone overboard more so the political establishment which went to great pains to have the feeding tube reinserted.

In all this the person Terri Schiavo has been forgotten, and she has been used by a lot of vested groups. I do agree that there are really concerned people who want the feeding tube reinserted but the fact remains that this case has become a political side show. Though after the time poll was released the government decided to stay out of the family business. Now it is the time for self appointed protectors of the Christian faith to protest strong enough so as to closed down the neighboring school.

I have been sounding like a cynic in quite a few of the lost posts beating up on some groups without offering any solution. So, I stop ranting on the Terri Schiavo case by just asking, the parents who are deeply religious and cite it as a reason for them not allowing the tube to be removed, wouldn’t everlasting glory be better than this short stay on earth? I will not pretend that I feel what they feel, because I haven’t lost anybody that close to me yet. So I just pray that they can find peace.

This brings me to the question about how much power the media really has? If they has given the people dying in Sudan or lots of other places as much coverage as Terri Schiavo, wouldn’t it have made a difference in a thousands of people’s life? Its a question we will never know an answer to till we stop just thinking about our immediate surroundings and start thinking about everybody!

I know that I mentioned that I am going to be posting a discussing I had with a few people over a Chief Minister from India being denied Visa to the US. But I was kind of tied up this weekend. Had a few friends visit me from Ohio so had to show them around St. Louis. Also I had to see the city for myself. The main accomplishment was ice skating, pictures of which I shall post here soon.

Hope everyone had a good Easter …

“We make a living by what we get, we make a life by what we give.”


Dead or alive …. 2

The Terri Schiavo is still dragging throught the courts. Her feeding tube has been removed for the last 5 days and according to the doctors she can only survive for a week or two after the feeding tube has been removed. There have been many dramatic twists and turns in the last few days. The US congress and the state legislature have tried all they could while the courts (both state and federal) have refused to budge from their position. It has become a very emotive issue with the parents and the pro life lobby claiming that the doctors are wrong and the Terri could recover from her brain dead state, while the husband the pro choice supporters (with the courts) claiming that she would not want to be kept artificially alive. I personally don’t know which side to choose. I do believe in the sanctity of life but at the same time would I like to be kept artificially alive? Absolutely not, allow me to meet my maker. And since I do not want to take sides I would ask the reader to form his own opinion.

The only foot note I would like to add to this is if the starving deaths that are occurring be given the same amount of TV time so we could save some naturally alive people. Maybe the government that made such an exception for Terri would do something for the hundreds of Sudanese or we would have 1994 be repeated again …

continued …
