Author Archives: falcon

Odds and Ends

The last couple of weeks, I have started with so many posts but haven’t really found time to continue with any. What with all the shopping and preparing for the trip for India, which in turn made me work more hours to get stuff done. So I finally decided for the sake of the few loyal (sic) readers of these ramblings to get a gist of the ideas that I had in the pea sized brain of mine for the various posts that I started!

Actually there were some more but I guess they will have to wait. I can’t wait though to get to India after almost two years. Thats a really long time to be away from home. I am hoping to atleast make this a picture blog during my trip to India. If you need me give me a buzz at 98409 07530!

Till Laters

“Nullus est locus domestica sede jucundior”( There is no place more delightful than one’s own fireside)
“To know after absence the familiar street and road and village and house is to know again the satisfaction of home”


My Idol

Believe it or not I do have one and he just turned 51. And you know that a man has become old, when he says he is proud of the kids that God has given him 😉

My Dad has always rocked my world and all that I am, I owe it to him!!! His use of the English language surprises me not only because it makes me (who has had better education than him) use the dictionary but also because he learnt the language after he turned 18.

I may never understand the struggles he went through but sure do appreciate them. He is a charmer, a fact that I hope I could get a little bit of. He always made me more cool than I was by dropping me off in school on the military Motorcycle in his trademark shorts. Also the fact that he could kick anybody’s bottom (I have personally witnessed that) combined with the fact that he could preach the bible like a preacher makes him a deadly combination.

The heart he has for helping others to the point of repeatedly being hoodwinked by unscrupulous needy people has to be seen to be believed. I can only wish that I would be able to give as much as he gives away(50-70% of his earnings) someday if I am not greedy enough :).

We do have difference of opinion as people from two different generations would, but I if he hadn’t let me be, I wouldn’t have been my own man. I could probably go on for a day about all his qualities, but suffice to say that I love him and wish that I was half the man he is!

“My father didn’t tell me how to live; he lived, and let me watch him do it.”

P.S: I mustn’t forget to mention the person who has kept him on the straight – my mom and his wife of 25 years
