Author Archives: falcon

Ring in the New

A wonderful 2006 to you folks. Starting the new year with my first ever post on a blog. I guess that’s what a new year is all about, the starting afresh or rather starting on a new canvas of life. Hope that answers your question NoViCe.

I started of this year with a slew of resolutions (I disagree with people who equate resolutions with laws, in that they are meant to be broken), starting off with being a better person. The last few years have been marred by souring of relations with people really close to me, a trend I am hoping to reverse this year (with fingers crossed). You could say that I have probably antagonised more people last couple of years than Bush did (If ever that was possible).

I’ll save the sob story for later. Today I came across this article on MSN. It makes an interesting read and speaks of how people are addicted to food just to make themselves feel good. No wonder America is over 60% obese. Ulysses maybe you should take a hint from this and work on your tummy ;). Get over it, you are not big you are just over weight!

I wonder why people wouldn’t use these kind of news to get back in shape. Some people never learn I guess.

I’ll sign off in the standard way

“People are so worried about what they eat between Christmas and the New Year,
but they really should be worried about what they eat between the New Year and


Just another day ..

… in paradise … oops that’s the song. Anyhoo with all the cacophony around us about the new year and the old year. Seems like every columnist, magazine, newspaper … that is worth a mention had a top 10/25 list of things gone by. So that makes a list by me kind of redundant. But it did get me thinking about this New Year “stuff” and gave me the million dollar question of who created New Years day???? Beats me

By the way if you are wondering about the picture, its Mukhtaran Mai. The post on this one pictures has got more hits to my website than anybody else this past year!! Her fight still continues. Nobody said its easy to take on the establishment.

So instead of making list like everybody else is doing, I am going to introduce a new writing partner for this blog. Introducing CrackerJack (The Identity has been withheld per request!) . I and CrackerJack have a difference of opinion on quite a few subjects. Also I presume that quite a few of you are sick of seeing one side of the coin through my ramblings! I had hoped to change the format of the blog but I guess that has to wait for another day.

See you all next year folks and I’ll let CrackerJack start off the year.

Ring out the old, ring in the new,
Ring, happy bells, across the snow:
The year is going, let him go;
Ring out the false, ring in the true.
~Alfred, Lord Tennyson, 1850
