Empty Fish Tank …

That’s what I have now. I was going to make this post about my new pets 8 pairs of common gold fish. Alas they died today … I was going to use my artistic skills and landscape the tank using pebbles but apparently the fishes didn’t take kindly to the temperature changes caused but the pebble and decided to die within the hour. Hopefully my next set of fishes would be more stronger … like the fish I had in Florida. The fish in Florida, “Fishee” as it was known, was a survivor. It survived the first year with me changing the water only once. It was also a glutton just like me. It bloated from being 1 inch to around 5 to 6 inches and is currently in Mr. koshy’s house.

In other news, the after school program for slum kids has started in India. Ask me if you want more information.

Hey Michael Carollo (Mike) Happy Birthday

“Aerodynamically, the bumble bee shouldn’t be able to fly, but the bumble bee doesn’t know it so it goes on flying anyway.”


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