two months and counting

It’s been two months and counting since I made a comment online about anything! I’ve been tied up with a lot of changes and a lot of travel including India and Brazil, not to mention the new city of residency and a new job that is as much work as it is fun … that’s my excuse and I am sticking to it.

Having accepted the fact that I would have to live on the road for the better part of each month I am kick starting my writing skills on the road, sitting at Miami International airport in transit from Sao Paulo, Brazil to San Jose, California. Sitting here enjoying a perk of the travelling job (free Internet on the road), I can watch with detached amusement the chaos all around me, a chaos caused by mechanical failures and snowed out airports. The holiday season only gets more frustrating instead of the supposed peace of mind and job its supposed to bring to each person.

I have had so much to say and have said so little … not that it has any bearing on the earth’s rotation. So knowing my place in the cosmos, I’ll refrain from boring you with my dull ramblings … for the time being … and attack you with all vengeance once I have renewed my brain cells.


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