Leaving Saint Louis!

So the change has been effected and I cannot reiterate enough what a big pain moving is!!! Atleast when you stop being the agile, mobile person with only two suitcases to your name!! The last two weeks have been so hectic and I have done so many new things and learnt a couple of trades that could help me with a job, if one day Computers stop working … I can drive a truck or become a porter!!

I didn’t know how much I could be stretched till today. The whole moving looked out to prove Murphy’s law. Started out with U haul giving me a 26Ft truck instead of a 10ft one. I couldn’t even cover the whole surface of the truck with my stuff. With the trailer on the back it was next to impossible to reverse on this!! I didn’t know how friendless I was in Chicago till this move. Having mad Mike help me out in STL, it was so much more of a pain when I could get neither friends nor movers to help me unload in CHI!! Only goes to speak of my organising skills I guess! To top it all off U Haul decided to have fun with me by having me run around town for well over three hours in that blasted trucktrailer searching for a UHaul center that didn’t exist.

Well the flip side to it all was that Murphy’s Law wasn’t really proved ’cause Mike made my loading and starting out a grand success, while I had a good Samaritan help me with unloading the couch and another helping me find the right UHaul place.

Actually the whole thing was an adventure, now I can boast to my grandkids of how I single handedly unloaded the whole truck (Ofcourse I am going to exaggerate) and maneuvered that huge truck with a trailer in city roads. Before the move I was fretting how I would going to effect it without any help on the way (a couple of my friends even called me a whiner!), but then at the end of the day when it was all done, it was not bad I guess these are the kinds of things that build character and also helps people say that they have been there done that!!

A few things I learnt on this move:

  • If you are driving something tall watch for the over passes and trees 😉
  • If you are driving something with a trailer the don’t go anywhere where you have to back out off!!! I tried … 50 feet in 30 mins!!!
  • Lifting the bed, don’t dig into the covering … they tear
  • Using UHaul … don’t!!! Uhaul service is horrible!!! I might even start a award series for this 😀
  • dollies don’t help if you have stairs
  • Spread out your books on different boxes … in a single box they weigh a ton!
  • If you don’t need it throw it away … including that PC magazine from 1995 that you still plan on reading …
  • If you can throw out the heavy stuff do it
  • Don’t let people who haven’t done it, sucker you into believing how easy it is, and why you are a whiner for even thinking you need help!
  • Finally if you can live off of two suitcases … do it!!!

At the end of the what matters is if the juice was worth the squeeze, in this case the move worth the new place, so far the biryani I have been able to get is making me say yes!!!


2 thoughts on “Leaving Saint Louis!

  1. Hermit

    Bro..put this first on the list..Ask for advice before you do something on your own..Ask if others have had a similar experience, coz each one might have had a different experience..Collect all of them and then apply to your unique situation..I could have saved you a lot of trouble had you asked..Coz, I have done so many of such moves for others..All the way upto New Mexico…

    Wisdom comes with age but then even fools celebrate birthdays..


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